Play chord on code

We play computer keyboard as an ​instrument 
And make a code block like a chord in music. 
The chords will be a music, and our code will be an application.
We play chord on code.

Listen to our Appliction

We are playing the below apps for you.

킹스밥 (Kingsbab)

Holes in the wall of Korean Presidents.
Bab maketh man.
Download it and visit the restaurant.

iphone android

나눌분 (Nanulbun)

Divide super high delivery fee 
with your neighbor.
Embedded chat is available.

iphone android

콜바캠 (Call by Cam)

You can make a phone call 
via Camera scanning.
Try it right now!

 IPHONE Android

라면먹자 (ramyeon)

World first Ramen potal! 
Are you ramen person?!  (or not?)
anyway, Try it right now!


해시태그 추출/관리 (hashtag)

Extract hashtags via Camera or Screenshot! Managing also available. 
Try it. and Enjoy your SNS life!

IPHONE Android

해시태그 추출/관리 (hashtag)

Screenshot is the only action 
to copy hashtags you want.
Try this app, and give us Thumb!

not available Android